Here are the first Canadian TEAS…
and naturally caffeine-free!

After imported teas and local herbal teas, here comes the small revolution of local teas from Canada! Derived from wild local plants, the leaves are hand-picked and processed using traditional Asian techniques. It’s the perfect balance for the connoisseur looking for eco-friendly teas and the delicate, rounded taste so appreciated. You can even enjoy them before bedtime, as they are caffeine-free…


Our classics

Fireweed Black Tea

Have you ever dreamt of drinking a cup of black tea before going to bed? So here’s my black fireweed tea… and it’s caffeine-free besides! The leaves are harvested in Kamouraska, withered, oxidized, rolled by hand, to finish with a light roasting which gives it its character. The result is a magnificent amber-red infusion, with a light black tea taste and caramelized notes. Caffeine-free.

This fireweed tea is entirely handcrafted by artisans, from the picking in the wild meadows of Kamouraska to the kneading of the leaves.
To be enjoyed hot, or as a chai latte. Enhance it in summer as an iced tea with maple syrup. Perfect for kombucha

Fireweed Tea Wulong Style

Here is the quintessential boreal tea… fireweed tea, nicknamed Ivan Chaï and enjoyed in Eurasia for centuries!

This semi-oxidized version, Wulong-style is Tea of the North’s specialty and the favorite of many Canadians, won over by its smooth, floral, rounded aroma. Caffeine-free

This fireweed tea is entirely handcrafted by artisans, from the picking in the wild meadows of Kamouraska to the kneading of the leaves.

To be enjoyed hot, or as a chai latte. Enhance it in summer as an iced tea with maple syrup. Perfect for kombucha

Non-stimulant, it can be drunk at any time of day, even before bedtime, as it is caffeine-free.


Enchanting and resinous…

Let yourself be enchanted by this infusion that will transport you to the forest… the one that smells so good, soothes the spirit and warms the heart and body. A happy blend of aromatic herbal teas from our terroir and fireweed tea which brings a gentle roundness. My forest classic, loved by all. Caffeine-free

Enjoy warm on its own, or with a touch of balsam fir infused honey.

Pure teas

Thé vert d’épilobe

Doux parfum végétal avec notes grillées…

Thé de framboisier

Thé de framboisier à l’arôme de rose. Délicieux et rond en bouche. Sans théine

Thé d’argousier

Un doux thé noir fait à partir de feuilles d’argousier

Tea and herbal tea blends

Thé du soir

Un thé à déguster après le souper, pour aider la digestion et amener à la détente…


Bon pour tous, et particulièrement pour elle. Floral & doux pour le cœur et les yeux

They talk about us!

Le Devoir, November 25, 2023

Julie Francoeur takes you into my fascinating world, from the initial tests to the visions of the future.

La Presse, September 2nd, 2023

Magnificent article by Rose-Aimée A.T.M. inviting you to join me during my production of willowherb tea in Kamouraska!

La Voix de l’Est, November 30th, 2022

Beautiful interview conducted by Jérôme Savory where I describe my local teas, with video (!)

The process of making my teas is more than a simple recipe… it is indeed an art where all my senses, knowledge and experience are engaged in order to successfully complete each of the steps leading to the final tea: harvesting, withering, rolling , oxidation, desiccation and dehydration. These are the same steps used by Asian tea producers to transform Camelia sinensis leaves into delicious Wulong and black teas.

The difference in my case is that I use other plants, in this case very common Quebec wild plants, to make my teas. These plants do not have theine, so I can offer you non-stimulating teas with other medicinal properties.

But I didn’t invent anything! At least for the moment… because in Scandinavia, but especially in Russia, there is already a popular tradition, deeply rooted in the country’s culture, of making fireweed tea, known there as Ivan Chaï. When I discovered this a few years ago, I immediately understood the potential of creating a Quebec tea, because fireweed is a boreal plant, forming immense fields of magnificent purple flowers, from Abitibi to the Gaspé Peninsula

I continue my apprenticeship by traveling to Asia In the spring of 2023, I travelled to Taiwan to meet tea masters who passed on much of their know-how and passion to me. I came back changed, inspired… infused with the spirit of tea! In the next few years, I plan to travel to China, India and Japan to immerse myself in these fascinating tea cultures.

So it’s in Kamouraska, during the month of July, that my team and I harvest these leaves in these wild meadows, not far from our majestic river. It’s the Fireweed Celebration! All the steps are followed to produce this remarkable tea… which will, without a doubt, change the face of the tea world in Quebec in the coming decades!

I also use my teas to form original blends with local herbal teas, such as the foresty and bewitching Tea of the North composed of fir, Labrador tea, fireweed and mint. As well as the sweet Fémini’thé composed of raspberry tea, flowered oats, rose, mint and nettle, all supporting plants for women’s health. Exquisite blends that have already won over many people!

I’ll be creating more blends in the near future. always caffeine-free, composed entirely of my local teas as well as wild and/or locally grown plants that I buy from dedicated pickers and herbalists.

I have in mind a sweet floral blend with fireweed tea, sweet clover and meadowsweet. Another with raspberry tea and plants from my region, Brome-Missisquoi. Another for the morning with sea buckthorn tea (rich in vitamin C) and plants that energize and help concentration (always without theine!)… etc… When you’re creative and passionate, the ideas are endless!
